Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Hood River Production Program Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Gorge Hood 100.00%
Contract Number:
83639 REL 27
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Backgroud/Historical Context

FY 2008-2010
The Hood River, Oregon Salmon Production Program is co-managed by the Confederated Tribes of the Warms Spring Reservation (CTWSR) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) for supplementation of spring Chinook salmon in the Hood River system.  The Master Plan for the Hood River Production Program (March 5, 2008 Draft) called for a comparative hatchery release study designed to "provide co-managers with the best available information for determining a long term biologically sound and cost effective spring Chinook salmon production strategy for the Hood River Basin that balances harvest needs with ecological considerations".  Rearing facilities, both inside and outside the basin were evaluated for long-term use in the Hood River spring Chinook salmon supplementation program.  The objective of the evaluation was to conduct a multi-year (2008-2021) comparative study of Hood River spring Chinook reared at three different hatchery facilities prior to being moved to the West Fork Hood River for final acclimation and release.  The facilities include, Round Butte Hatchery/Pelton Ladder (RBH) on the Deschutes River, OR; Columbia Gorge Hatchery (CGH) a.k.a. Carson National Hatchery on the Wind River, WA; Parkdale Fish Facility (PFF) on the Hood River, OR.  Each year, starting Fall 2008, returning adults were collected in the Hood River, artificially spawned at Parkdale Hatchery, and gametes were distributed to each of the respective hatchery facilities for long term-rearing to the parr-smolt stage.   The Hood River Master Plan calls for monitoring fish health, size at release, specific growth rates, rates of precocious male maturation (age-2 minijacks, age-3 jacks) and ultimately smolt-to-adult returns (SAR's) for each brood year/release group.  Juvenile rearing results were described in a pair of peer reviewed publications (Spangenberg et al. 2014, 2015).

Spangenberg, D.K., D.A. Larsen, R. Gerstenberger, C.Brun, D.L. Harstad, S. Nance, L. Rohrbach and B. R. Beckman (2015) Stock differences in growth, smolting, and early male maturation in hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon: a common-garden experiment, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 35:6, 1090-1100.

Spangenberg, D. K., D.A. Larsen, R. Gerstenberger, C. Brun, B.R. Beckman.  2014.  The effects of variation in hatchery rearing conditions on growth, smolt quality and minijack rate in spring Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha: a hatchery scale experiment in the Hood River Basin, Oregon.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  143:5 1220-1230.

The Hood River, Oregon Production Program co-managers made some programmatic decisions based on results from this project to focus Hood River spring Chinook salmon rearing at Pelton Ladder, Parkdale Fish Facility with potential for longer term in basin rearing at the recently completed Moving Falls Acclimation Facilty on the West Fork of the Hood River.  Rearing of Hood River spring Chinook at Carson hatchery was discontinued.

FY2011-present:  We have continued to monitor the Hood River spring Chinook salmon reared at Parkdale (HR-Park) and at the Moving Falls Acclimation site on the Hood River (HR-MF) and Round Butte/Pelton Ladder (HR-Pelt) on the Deschutes River.  Data from these release groups will ultimately be correlated with adult return data collected over the course of this project.

In FY 2017 a third manuscript from this hatchery evaluation project focused specifically on the comparison between these three rearing groups and the relationships between smolt physiology, early male maturation and smolt to adult return rates (SARS) was published entitled:

Beckman, B.R., Harstad, D.L., Spangenberg, D.K., Gerstenberger, R., amd Brun, C.  2017. The impact of different hatchery rearing environments on adult survival of spring Chinook Salmon.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  146:3, 539-555.

Additionally, a fourth manuscript focused on quantifying  steelhead residualism rates in the Hood River was compiled in 2017 as well under this contract, but unrelated to the Chinook comparative evaluation described above.

Larsen, D.A, Middleton, M.A., Dickey, J.T., Gerstenberger, R.S., Brun, C.V., and  Swanson, P.  2017.  Use of morphological and physiological indices to characterize life history diversity in juvenile hatchery winter-run steelhead.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  146:4, 663-679.  

In FY2021 as of the writing of this SOW we are continuing compilation of a draft manuscript tentatively titled: The interaction between early growth, physiological development and jack rates in Hood River Spring Chinook Salmon.

In FY2022 Planned RME (current SOW)

Hood and Deschutes River spring Chinook salmon comparative evaluation.
In FY2022 we will conduct the sixth year (of 6) in a comparative physiological evaluation of brood year 2020 Hood River spring Chinook salmon reared at Parkdale Hatchery, Moving Falls Acclimation site and Round Butte/ Pelton Ladder on the Deschutes River and released in the Hood River as well as Deschutes Stock spring Chinook salmon reared under a Hi (Standard Deschutes Stock regime) and Lo (Hood River at Pelton regime) growth regime at Round Butte/Pelton Ladder and released in to the Deschutes River in spring.  The Hi growth treatment will be reared in one Pelton Ladder cell at 8 fish/lb with 80,000 fish.  The Lo growth treatment will be reared in two cells (Lo1 and Lo2)  at 15 fish per pound with 150,000 fish.  So, the density in biomass will be equivalent, but the number of fish will vary significantly.  Fish will be sampled from all 6 treatments (HR-Park, HR-MF, HR-Pelt, Des-Hi, Des-Lo1, Des-Lo2) in Oct 2021 (under previous year contract), Jan 2022, Mar 2022, Apr 2022. Additionally, in 2021 subset of Deschutes stock is schedule to be reared at Fall River Hatchery in Bend, OR for an additional out group for comparative evaluation. We are in currently in discussions with project managers regarding potential sampling of this group in April 2022 as well. This experimental construct will allow us to differentiate between differences in stock, rearing location, and growth regime and release location in order to better understand and refine rearing protocols for Hood River spring Chinook salmon as well as other hatchery spring Chinook salmon programs throughout the Columbia River Basin.  This represents the 6th year of monitoring of 6 proposed release years.  It should be noted that each of the rearing cells at Pelton Ladder presents a different rearing environment for each release group because some cells are downstream from others potentially affecting the water quality in downstream cells.  So, each year the treatment groups will be moved to different cells and the analysis over replicate years will allow us to isolate the effect of cell position in the results. Furthermore since the Des-Lo treatments are replicated, the variable position of the cells can be evaluated throughout the investigation as well.  

NOTE:  See notes throughout milestones describing contingency plans and mitigation measures if travel restrictions due to Covid 19 affect project personnel from collecting any field samples in 2021-2022.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
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Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental compliance B: 165. BPA environmental compliance 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
Manage and administer BPA project C: 119. Administration of BPA contract 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
Hood River and Deschutes R. spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study-BY2018 D: 157. Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study-BY2020 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
Hood R. and Deschutes R. spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study-BY 2015 - BY2020 E: 162. Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2020 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
Co-manager presentation and draft peer reviewed publication F: 141. Other Reports for BPA 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
Present a talk at the NWFCC G: 99. Present research results at NW Fish Culture Concepts Meeting 12/31/2022 12/22/2022
2021 Annual Report H: 132. Annual report for 1/1/21 -12/31/21 03/15/2022 03/15/2022

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 165 BPA environmental compliance
C 119 Administration of BPA contract
D 157 Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study-BY2020 10/06/2021
E 162 Analyze Hood R. and Deschutes R. Spring Chinook Comparative Growth Study -BY2020
F 141 Other Reports for BPA
G 99 Present research results at NW Fish Culture Concepts Meeting
H 132 Annual report for 1/1/21 -12/31/21